Friday, July 24, 2009

Congratulations Chad and Mary Benson!

They did it!

The ceremony was very nice, and the reception was killer! I had a great time, even though I have never sweat so much in my life. By the time the ceremony STARTED, I needed a shower. By the time the ceremony and post-game photos were taken, and the reception started, i all but decided Randall's Tux shop is going to end up burning my outfit because I sweat all the way through my undershirt, shirt, vest, AND coat!@ Holy crap!

The reception was a blast, and afterwords, dan and laura and I went out to Perkins for a couple more hours together one last time before I fly home.

Finally starting to unwind from the day, 2am and I'm happy to say all's well. I'm exhausted though. Tomorrow I fly back home, as much as I hate to leave. I have a lot of packing to do before then, but hopefully I will have time. I kind of wanted to do it all tonight so I can have tomorrow to spend with people, but right now I'm gonna crash.

Congrats to Chad and Mary!

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