(and words)
Today is the day we're going to install my flat panel TV set. We're gonna wall-mount it, running the cables through the wall, and install in-wall speakers on either side of the TV set.
Here's the "BEFORE" picture, circa 10:00AM:

Around 10:30AM:
Mark has a good way of helping me visualize things, and that involves blue masking tape on the wall to give us quick and easy mockups...This proved indispensable to me, as my vision for mounting the TV was actually a little bit on the high side. Everything is going along swimmingly

We started to tackle the easy stuff first, and that was the cutouts for the in-wall speakers. We got the left one cut out, and then the right one. That's when troubles begin.

It's not that obvious at first, but the right one presents a major problem. Sure there's a fireblock running through where the speaker needs to be, but that's an easy fix, just knock it out...but see that vertical pipe? That's a gas line, which feeds our automatic fireplace starter. We did not anticipate this. Also, there is a stud immediately to the left of the hole just out of sight. There is NO WAY the speaker is going to fit in that bay.
So we sat down and went over our options, which boiled down to one of two things: either a) move the speakers or B) move the pipe. He assures me that either option really isn't that big of a deal. He and I ultimatley agree that the only other location to move the speakers, below the tv set, pretty much sucks, so we decide to go for option b.
Off to Home Depot we go, picking up pipe threaders, nipples, unions, 45 degree chinguses, etcetera.
We get back and after turning off the gas, he will cut the pipe out, adding a series of 45 degree elbows that effectively move the pipe about six inches to the right, giving us plenty of room to mount the speaker.
But first we have some demoing to do. he decides that since we were going to have to run a conduit for the video cables, as well as run a recessed outlet to behind the TV for power, what the hell, it's as easy to patch a small piece of drywall as it is to repair a big one, so out comes a 4x5' section of drywall This project is starting to grow, methinks:

Then after "moving" the gas pipe:

Also note in the following picture the 2" conduit and gangboxes installed for the video cables and to power the TV:

And then with the new drywall in place:

You can also see the spray foam insulation we sprayed down in there into the bay on the right hand side, for a couple reasons. 1 is to make a sort of fireblock for the one that we took out, and two, to secure the gas pipe in the wall so it doesn't rattle with all the vibrations the speakers are going to make. The foam expands wildly so once it's done expanding and curing, then we just need to cut it out to make way for the speaker.
That, my friends is how far we got today in about 8 hours. Now we need to mud and tape the drywall, then mud and feather the seams, and then it will be ready for texture and paint.
At that point, it will be a piece of cake to mount the TV to its mount, run the cables, install the clock outlet (recessed outlet) , pull the video cables, install the in-wall speakers, and it will be done.
Believe it or not, the hard part is over. A day or two to get the drywall finished and restored, and then a couple hours for the actual TV mounting process to get it formally installed, and we'll be done.
This has been a really fun learning experience for me, as I don't know the first thing about home remodeling or construction and so Mark took the time to explain what he was doing and let me ask questions, some of which I felt foolish for having to ask, but it's all good when you're learning I guess. To all you people who are skilled at this sort of stuff, my hat's off to you, it's a very handy skill to have!
More pictures will folow as the project progresses! It's been fun!